Dream Journal, Sometime in September and on 9/26/2019

My dreams have either been too vague or too embarrassing to write recently. But I heard you wanted dreams, so here are some more – uncensored (well, almost)!

Two dreams. The first is probably the first well-formed dream I can remember since moving to China but ends in a sort of silly nightmare. I am at some sort of hotel and get into a car downstairs at the entrance. We drive towards a train station through cloudy/misty/polluted cityscapes and enter a parking lot where I climb a spiral staircase to a semi-hidden room where top brass from what appears to be the US air force and army are gathered for a meeting in a sort of WeWork/hotel lobby with cushioned chairs/cushions for chairs.

One of the meeting participants is a “Rand person” i.e. from one of the think tanks and I recognize her as someone I saw on a Tinder app once but is kind of crazy. She is very driven and comes up to me to say hello. Her name is Laura Anderson [no connection to anyone I know in real life] and she has crazy person glasses even though she is quite attractive; anyway people know to avoid her in terms of romantic connections. Then suddenly a pillow is shouting and talking to me, which I take to be real life because I’m in bed and “woke up,” which is quite scary indeed. Then I finally wake up from all this nonsense.

Analysis: This is very heavily influenced by what I am seeing in real life, being in China. The meeting scene is influenced from being in DC for so long and attending various events where US military or thinktank personnel are presenting, but it also gives the allure of a secret meeting on/in China at the top levels of the US military that I get to participate in. Perhaps I always wanted to work in the military or a thinktank. The Laura Anderson part is somewhat self-explanatory, at least I know people like that in the DC space, having lived there for so long.

Second dream, begins at a temple in Taiwan where the rain is falling and I see a tall, slim mixed young woman and end up having a “passionate encounter” with her in the woods. She turns out to be a prostitute. My character is actually a cop from the FBI or some American agency sent to Taiwan for a cybersecurity/smuggling etc. investigation, so he asks if the payment of ten thousand is in Taiwan dollars or USD, to which the prostitute scoffs.

Ok, not quite Taiwan, but yes woods

The next scene is him comparing slides with the Taiwanese cops as he is sent to investigate gangsters involved. They brainstorm criminal involvement, discuss informants, etc. But the character continues to see the prostitute, sometimes at her own apartment, where she covers (turns down) a picture of her from college with some of her friends, and we find out from the shot that she went to Georgetown as she’s wearing a college hoodie in the picture. Then the agent is in an aquarium by himself, with creatures all around and even some Merfolk-inspired creatures about him; it’s a dream-like scene. The prostitute is actually an informant for the gangsters, but she has feelings for the agent too so the gangsters eventually kill her.

He is alone in the aquarium

The agent sees her as his guardian angel and at times even wonders if he was/is imagining her or not. There is somehow a banquet that both law enforcement and the gangsters attend, and of course a fight breaks out. Eventually there is an “awards ceremony” (this is all in a fantastical sense) where the agent is outed as having been with this prostitute with all the pictures of them together, but he doesn’t deny it as he says he was in love with her.

Analysis: Ummm…use your imagination. I will say this though, there was an attractive young woman at Georgetown, mixed as well, whose claim to fame is that she had previously starred in a pornographic film of an abusive nature. She ended up being kicked out of Georgetown for dealing marijuana. Anyway maybe this prostitute character is vaguely based off of her.